Bumblebee and I are celebrating our 1 year “Gotcha Day”. I have previously rescued puppies that grew up to be 70 pound dogs. She is my first small adult dog and she is pure happiness and joy.
PLEASE give adult shelter dogs a chance. Kennel presence is not representative or indicative of their true colors. These animals need time to adjust and decompress in their new homes. There is no defined time period of when an animal should be fully adjusted in their new home. They are no different than kids in needing behavioral training and structure. We don’t give up on our kids, why should we give up on our dogs?
I honestly wasn’t sure if I could handle my smart sassy 25 pound beagle/JRT who has some behavioral challenges, and is an “energizer bunny who needs to be kept busy”. In the last year, we have worked with a positive reinforcement professional trainer Mary Thompson-Happy Hound University. We are redirecting Bumblebee’s behaviors and building daily structure/routines and trust. We have come a long way together and we accept each other for our quirks and boundaries. We continue to train as it is an ongoing process. Bumblebee has so much love to give and I am grateful to have adopted her from Heartland. I love her from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you Heartland for teaching me and giving me the tools to become a better and more informed dog owner and volunteer. Bumblebee and I will have many many more happy years to spend together. xoxo, Marjorie and Bumblebee