
Mini is the best dog! She is a sweetheart and we are very lucky to be living with her. I look at the Heartland website every day hoping that Mini’s housemates have found their new forever home. We are not able at this time to be more than a one dog home. Otherwise I would have been begging my husband to adopt Mini’s housemates. Mini has gained two pounds since living here. Her fur seems to be fuller. Mini is loved very much. She sleeps with us at night and is rarely left alone. She proved the other day that she does not need to be crated when she Houdinied her way out of her crate and greeted us after we were away for 5 hours. Mini loved the young children that visited for a few days with their parents and grandparents not long ago. Mini barks as a greeting and invitation to play. I hope Mini’s housemates are adopted soon. I am sure they are sweet dogs too.

Happy Tails Archive


When you adopt from a no-kill shelter, you save two lives. The animal you adopt and the one that replaces him.
