
After having my heart broken in a bazillion pieces from losing Tux, I thought I’d never be able to replace him. But “once a cat lady – always a cat lady”. In January, I adopted Hana who had been returned to a shelter twice by 2 different families. Our “meet & greet“ was a disaster. She was panic stricken being removed from her cage. However, she latched onto my heartstrings & soon found her forever home with me. Within 48 hours, she realized that she had won the shelter kitty lotto.

During the day we do our own thing but come evening she will track me down to join her on the sofa for snuggles. She has her own repertoire of unique behaviors like her gentle purr/snore, bolting when I sneeze too loud, and interrupting any telephone conversation with an insistent chiding meow. She has simple tastes favoring string, shoe laces, tassels & homemade pipe cleaner “spiders” over fancy schmancy store bought cat toys. She’s so easy peasy I cannot fathom why anyone would have given her up for adoption. Their loss – our gain.

Happy Tails Archive


When you adopt from a no-kill shelter, you save two lives. The animal you adopt and the one that replaces him.
