Providing care for Heartland’s kittens.

The Dill & Penny Kitten Fund aims to provide comprehensive care for kittens.

This fund was created in honor of Amy Downey, kitten foster extraordinaire, on the occasion of fostering her 100th kitten. Dill and Penny were two of her most favorite kitten fosters because they were so loving with each other and with everyone they met. They found a loving home with two dads who could not have cherished them more. Unfortunately, at the age of only 1.5 years, Dill died suddenly in the arms of one of his beloved dads, likely from a blood clot caused by an undetected heart defect.

While we are grateful for fosters like Amy, and love sweet and adorable kittens like Dill and Penny, the broader goal is to prevent the birth of so many homeless kittens in the first place. Contributions to this fund will enable us to focus on preventative measures such as spay/neuter services, community cat programming, outreach and diversion programming, and more. It will also help pay for items and services to care for these most vulnerable babies when they do make their way to Heartland (e.g., baby bottles, weaning food, and KMR (kitten milk replacer)).


When you adopt from a no-kill shelter, you save two lives. The animal you adopt and the one that replaces him.
