Karmah is doing great! Where do I even begin..?!
Of course she is still such a sweetheart and a huge cuddlebug. At night when we go to bed she isn’t satisfied until she is under the covers with me. I’ve also noticed she smiles if I pet her while she’s sleeping. Lol
I take her with me everywhere I possibly can, and she’s friendly with everyone she meets. I get constant compliments on how pretty and we’ll mannered she is. She loves riding shotgun in the car and seems to enjoy the attention she gets at stoplights when she sticks her head out the window. It’s been awesome watching her get more comfortable in her own skin and really grow into her very big personality. I am pretty convinced she thinks she is a human. Her and I bonded immediately and mesh really well together. Training her has been so simple that its hard to believe she’s never really had an actual owner before. She learns very quickly and now we are to the point where I can just talk to her as opposed to giving her a command. I’ve really enjoyed watching her experience new things with me for the first time. She’s fascinated by birds and gets really fired up when she see’s a squirrel. And the way she pounces on things, like blowing leaves especially, is hilarious.
I love having her by my side and even took her on a little weekend getaway with my boyfriend. The hotel was dog friendly but the guy at the front desk had been scared of Pitbulls ever since he got bit a few years ago. However after meeting and interacting with Karmah he said his opinion of the breed definitely changed. I could go on and on about how wonderful she is but what it all boils down to is how much she has already impacted my life in just a few months. There is no doubt in my mind her and I were meant to find each other, and Im so looking forward to what the future has in store for us.
I can’t thank you guys enough for rescuing her from the Chicago pound and giving me the opportunity to give her the loving home she deserves. Her being euthanized would have been a tragedy! She’s an amazing dog and I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect fit.
I hope adding her story to your alumni page will inspire more people to go out and adopt, and not to judge them by their breed, or what they get “labeled”. Karmah got labeled a “biter” (really through no fault of her own ) and I’ve been able to take her out in public, to dog parks, pet stores etc. without any aggression issues whatsoever.
I’m so grateful for Heartland and the staff there as well. Being able to come visit and spend one on one time together before taking her home definitely seemed to make her more comfortable with the whole transition.
Now that she’s gotten a taste of what being loved feels like that seems to be all she wants. To put it simply, Karmah loves being loved. So I’ve promised her she will never have to go another day without it!